

We are looking to continuously develop new partnerships in different business areas and regions.
If you are interested in becoming a distributor, supplier, service, assembly or manufacturing partner, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a distributor in my country?

We are actively looking for distributors all around the world that can help distribute our products.

If you are interested please include the following in the contact form message below
  • Brief company background, history and years of operation.
  • Currently distributed products and volumes.
  • What product and which countries or regions you want to distribute in.
  • Estimated volumes and growth for the next 5 years.
  • If you don’t want to be a maintenance partner yourself which partners would you recommend in your region?
How can I supply Roam with my products?

We always want to offer our customers the best products on the market which means we are continuously evaluating our suppliers and keeping up to date with the available technology. If you think you can offer a better and cheaper component or solution to us, don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you are interested please include the following in the contact form message below
  • Brief company background, history and years of operation.
  • Brief introduction of the offered component or service.
  • All relevant price information. If it’s a part please include the volume discount for 1, 200, 500, 10000 units.
  • Production lead times.
How can I become a maintenance partner in my country?

We are actively looking for maintenance partners all around the world that can help us provide support in new regions.

If you are interested please include the following in the contact form message below
  • Brief company background, history and years of operation.
  • Currently serviced/repaired products and volumes.
  • What product and which countries or regions you want to service.
How can I be an assembly or manufacturing partner in my country?

We are actively looking for assembly or manufacturing partners all around the world that can help us unlock new regions.

If you are interested please include the following in the contact form message below
  • Brief company background, history and years of operation.
  • Currently assembled or manufactured products and production capacity.
  • If you are also interested in being a distribution and/or maintenance partner. If not, which partners would you recommend in your region?
  • Country of operation.

Contact Partnership

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Our Partners